Zinc ~ Critical from Head to Toe!

Uncategorized Dec 30, 2024

Zinc is an essential mineral for human health from head to toe!
We cannot store zinc so we have to eat it every day. 

Zinc is a trace mineral that is part of 200+ enzyme reactions and many metabolic processes in our body.

Critical for:

✅ Immune function especially for respiratory illnesses
✅ Gut healing
✅ Skin health
✅ Emotional Well-Being
✅ Hormone Support

🦪 🥚Lots of people have SUB-OPTIMAL zinc levels when tested. Zinc deficiency is prevalent in developing nations where 30% of people are zinc deficient leading to increased risk of severe respiratory and gastrointestinal illnesses. 

🦪 Zinc Working It's Magic
➡️ Reduces duration of common cold when taken at the beginning of illness
➡️ Reduces acute and chronic diarrhea & promotes healing of the gut lining
➡️ Improves eczema and wound healing
➡️ Improves mental health especially when given with medications for depression. Improves problems of concentration and focus in ADHD.
➡️ Modulates production of melatonin which in turn regulates dopamine function. Both these brain chemicals are important for sleep and optimal brain function.
➡️ Critical in the formation of thyroid hormones for regulation of metabolism

😋 🥚 Zinc Foods🦪

Oysters                                             Dried lentils
Eggs                                                   Beef and poultry                         
Pork/pork liver                                 Whole milk and cheese                 
Oatmeal and bran                           Wheat bread & brown rice


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