Starting Solids

Starting Solids
Keep Solids Simple!
There is so much advice about feeding babies from family, friends and the internet. So much noise and overwhelm to what needs to be simple and joyous!
Here are some simple tips for getting your baby off to the right start with solid foods:
✅ Almost 6months old: before this, the gut is NOT ready to digest solid foods
✅ Hold head up and almost sitting
✅ Showing interest in food: watching and grabbing when family is eating is a good sign or readiness
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How to offer foods:
🍆 Soft, steamed foods; small pieces; offer 1-2 teaspoons of food initially ~ your little one may want more (or less!); Can do one new food each day or basically what family is eating
🥬 Veggies first, start with steamed green vegetables, then orange veggies (sweeter!)
🍐 Fruits after introducing 7-8 different vegetables
🥖 Grains like brown rice, oatmeal, small pieces of bread come next
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Veggies, fruits and grains are all great first foods. Let babies explore ~ they are eating for taste and texture at first, not for calories. Make it fun and simple!
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