Ear Pain? The answer might be Garlic!

Uncategorized Sep 26, 2024

Prescription medications are very useful but tend to have SIDE EFFECTS! Holistic Medicine often found from your very own kitchen is easy, affordable and very accessible to everyone. And just as amazing, is SAFE and EFFECTIVE!

Ear infections are a common childhood illness. Most doctors will prescribe antibiotics but The ThriveWell Pediatricians don't and here is why...

We DON'T prescribe antibiotics a lot because about 75% of ear infections will resolve on their own BUT there is still pain and fever to deal with. So we want to keep patients comfortable while the body heals itself. How? GARLIC OIL!! We know there is a shortage! You can make your own garlic oil!


If you enjoyed this, you would love everything offered in our new online course, The ThriveWell Respiratory Effect: Coughs and Colds. This course will give you the confidence and resources to use natural remedies and make an impactful lifestyle changes for your family! Check out the newest course hereAND coming soon is the The ThriveWell Respiratory Effect: Allergies and Asthma course launching in early 2024. 


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