Arnica: The Homeopathic Rescue for Bumps and Bruises

The ThriveWell Pediatrician's Advice for Bumps and Bruises ๐Ÿค•

Bumps and falls are going to happen in childhood. From babies who are on the move, crawling, standing and on their way to becoming busy toddlers to children who are active on the playground & in sports!

๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿ’Š Arnica to the Rescue!!!๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿ’Š

  • Anti-inflammatory and reduces swelling
  • REDUCES the pain associated with the swelling
  • Increases blood flow to help repair the injured tissue
  • Several studies have shown arnica to be as effective as IBUPROFEN for tooth and arthritis pain

So amazing for a simple homeopathic plant remedy!

โ—While arnica is considered safe and effective for almost everyone, it should NOT be taken BY MOUTH (internally) during pregnancy or breastfeeding. HOWEVER, it can be used on the skin for minor injuriesโ—

Keep Arnica Montana cream/gel and pellets in your holistic medicine cabinet to remedy those bumps and bruises that come along with a busy childhood!


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